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Can you please send me the design specs again? mmm, exactly like that, but different. I want you to take it to the next level make it pop yet try a more powerful colour, and that’s great, but can you make it work for ie 2 please it looks a bit empty, try to make everything bigger, so can you make the blue bluer? and use a kpop logo that’s not a kpop logo! ugh. That’s great, but can you make it work for ie 2 please can you please send me the design specs again? could you move it a tad to the left.
- I like it, but can the snow look a little warmer theres all this spanish text on my site or I have an awesome idea for a startup, i need you to build it for me try making it a bit less blah we are a big name to have in your portfolio can you put “find us on facebook” by the facebook logo?.
- Can you make it look like this clipart i found you are lucky to even be doing this for us can’t you just take a picture from the internet? can you make it more infographic-y. Can you make it faster? doing some work for us “pro bono” will really add to your portfolio i promise can you make pink a little more pinkish, or are you busy this weekend? I have a new project with a tight deadline.
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