Widening Circles of Leadership: How to reform an education system March 6, 2024 Sir Michael Barber, internationally renowned as a leading expert on governance, reform and service delivery, was head of the United Kingdom’s educat... THE SILENT CRISIS: Time to fix South Africa’s schools March 28, 2023 In this series of five reports, CDE presents a comprehensive analysis of what is ailing the education system, what needs to be done to fix it, and h... No Longer Business as Usual: Private sector efforts to improve schooling in South Africa November 17, 2020 Business needs to play a strategic role in improving the quality of learning in the South African schooling system, which remains dismal. South Afri... VIEWPOINTS | The future prospects of South African universities June 6, 2018 VIEWPOINTS is a new series published by CDE in which we will be drawing on the expertise of South Africans from a range of organisations to encourag... Teacher professional standards for South Africa: The road to better performance, development and accountability? August 7, 2017 Teacher professional standards are lacking in South Africa. A basic framework for teaching guidelines and personal and professional conduct must be ... A balancing act: Assessing the quality and financial viability of low-fee Independent schools August 30, 2016 Low-fee independent schools are engaged in endless balancing act between keeping fees low to allow access for the poor and providing quality educati...