How to Govern: Lessons from experience March 6, 2024 Sir Michael Barber, founder and chairman of global advisory firm, Delivery Associates, is a well-known global expert on policy implementation and la... Contemporary Populism August 15, 2019 Contemporary populism has increasingly become a global trend. Renowned scholar, Stanford Professor Francis Fukuyama, reflects on this trend, the rea... Opportunities first: A new lens to shape priorities for action in middle-income countries August 8, 2017 Far too many people are trapped in poverty in middle-income countries like South Africa Opportunities first: A new lens to shape priorities for acti... A presentation by Professor Ricardo Hausmann: Is South Africa about to make an historic mistake? June 8, 2017 Ricardo Hausmann is one of the world’s leading experts on what drives economic growth, especially in developing countries. Professor Hausmann was in... Reforming India: Successes and challenges in a high-growth country. August 22, 2016 In March 2016, the Centre for Development and Enterprise invited Gurcharan Das to speak at a dinner in Johannesburg. He is the well-known author of ... Teacher Evaluation: Lessons from other countries September 8, 2015 Key Points: Teacher evaluation is central to both assessing and improving teacher quality. International research shows that teacher effectiveness is...