Submission on the proposed amendment of S25 of the Constitution

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  • CDE’s interest in the proposed amendment to s25 of the Constitution extends from the considerable work we have done over many years on land reform policy and the critical role of both the state and the private sector in helping South Africa achieve its land reform goals.
  • We are also focussed on the policy choices essential to accelerate economic growth and make the economy more inclusive. These goals are affected by the proposed constitutional amendment, and it is vital to ensure that the goal of faster land reform is not achieved at the expense of faster and more inclusive growth.
  • The starting point of this submission is that land reform is essential for building an inclusive, just and prosperous South Africa. The injustices of the past and the extremely unequal distribution of wealth and assets must be addressed if SA is to overcome its past and build a better future.
  • CDE believes that the proposed amendment to s25 of the constitution should be withdrawn. It creates much more uncertainty and ambiguity than currently exists, and does so in a way that is guaranteed to create undue and unnecessary uncertainty about the security of property rights.

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